Studying the sports and health science degree programs
The TUM School of Medicine and Health offers a Bachelor of Science degree program in "Sport Science" and a Bachelor of Science degree program in "Health Science", two English-language Master of Science degree programs in "Sport and Exercise Science" and "Health Science - Prevention and Health Promotion" as well as teacher training programs (teaching and didactics in sport) for elementary, middle and secondary schools and high schools.
Studying at a university of excellence
TUM is one of the best universities in Germany. It is one of the first three universities to receive funding as part of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. This is also underlined by the relevant rankings: No. 1 in the research ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) and No. 1 in the FOCUS uni-ranking. The university, founded in 1868, has a tradition of excellence. It has produced six Nobel Prize winners and renowned inventors such as Carl von Linde, Rudolf Diesel, Claude Dornier, Oskar von Miller and Willy Messerschmitt.