UPDATE: Cancellation of Bachelor/Master consultation hours on january 20th and 22th 2025
Please note that Stephanie Räbiger`s telephone and personal consultation hours on january 20th and 22th will not take place.
UPDATE: Shortening of telefphone consultation hours Bachelor/Master (A. Bauer) on 30.01.2025
Please note that Annette Bauer's telephone consultation hours will be shortened on 30.01.2025 and will end at 09:00 a.m.
Consultation hours of the student advisory service
The open consultation hours of the student advisory service (without appointment) will take place as follows:
Bachelor's and Master's programs:
Annette Bauer:
Tuesday 08:00 -10:00 in person in room 2333.01.107 (CiO, 1st floor, Am Olympiacampus 11, 80809 München)
Thursday 08:00 - 10:00 by phone: 089-289-24798
Stephanie Räbiger:
Monday 12:00 -14:00 by phone: 089-289-24716
Wednesday 13:00 - 15:00 in person in room 2333.01.107 (CiO, 1st floor, Am Olympiacampus 11, 80809 München)
If you do not have time on the specified dates, please send us an email to studium.gsw.sto(at)mh.tum.de with suggested dates.
General Information
The student advisory office for the sport and health science degree programs is available to all students and students interested in the programs. We provide advise for questions relating to study and study entry.
We kindly ask you to send all inquiries concerning the bachelor's and master's sport and health sciences programs to our central e-mail address, stating your course of studies, the student's number and specific questions:
For data protection purposes, students are requested to use only their own TUM e-mail address when communicating with the university institutions. Your email will be assigned to the responsible employees and you will receive an answer within three working days.
Please refrain from sending duplicate and multiple requests to the central e-mail address and the personal e-mail addresses of the employees, as these will lead to increased work and coordination costs.
Contact address
Student Advisory Service of the Department of Sport and Health Sciences
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62 / Campus D
Room R 620 and R 605 (6th floor)
80992 München
Room: R 605 (Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62, 6th floor)
Telephone: +
Email: studium.gsw.sto(at)mh.tum.de
- Thursday, 08:00-10:00 under +49.89.289-24798
Personal consultation hour:
- Tuesday, 08:00-10:00 in room 2333.01.107 (CiO, ground floor)
Further consultations please only by personal agreement (e-mail).
Responsible for the courses:
- B.Sc. Sport Science
- B.Sc. Health Science
- M.Sc. Health Science - Prevention and Health Promotion
- M.Sc. Sport and Exercise Science
Room: R 605 (Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62, 6th floor)
Telephone: +
E-Mail: praktikum.sto(at)mh.tum.de
Consultation hours by prior arrangement by e-mail.
Responsible for the internship semester in the Bachelor degree programs:
- B.Sc. Sportwissenschaft (B.Sc. Sport Science)
- B.Sc. Gesundheitswissenschaft (B.Sc. Health Science)
Other responsibilities:
- Career day for sports and health science degree programs
- Equivalency agreement and recognition of credits for studies abroad (ERASMUS)
- Peer Program
Dipl.-Sportwiss. (Univ.) Stephanie Räbiger
Room: R 620 (Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62, 6th floor)
Telephone: +
Email: studium.gsw.sto(at)mh.tum.de
- Monday, 12:00-14:00 under +49.89.289-24716
Personal consultation hour:
- Wednesday, 13:00-15:00 in room 2333.01.107 (CiO, ground floor)
Further consultations please only by personal agreement (e-mail).
Responsible for the courses:
- B.Sc. Sport Science
- B.Sc. Health Science
- M.Sc. Health Science - Prevention and Health Promotion
- M.Sc. Sport and Exercise Science
Responsible for:
- Teaching profession Gymnasium (Teaching subject Sports)
- Teaching profession Realschule (Teaching subject Sports)
- Teaching profession Elementary and Middle School (Teaching subject Sports)
- Teaching profession GS, MS (basic qualification sports)
- Teaching profession Elementary School (Didactic subject Sports)
- Teaching profession Middle School(Didactic subject sports)
Other responsibilities:
- Recognition of internships at clubs
- Examination of applications for the recognition of intermediate consumption
Office Days: Monday, Tuesday
Room: R 620 (Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62, 6th floor)
Phone: +
Email: studium.lehramt.sto@mh.tum.de
Open office hours: Mo 13.30-15.00, Tue 10.00-12.00 please contact us for further counseling appointments
You can find the general study advice for the courses Bachelor and Master of Education (Berufsbildung, Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung) at the TUM School of Education; In these courses, Mrs. Schüller only advises on the teaching subject sports, and is also a contact person for recognition applications.
Bachelor/Master/Teaching profession in general:
- Luisa Daum
- Jakub Luczak
Room: R 620 (Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62, 6th floor)
Telephone: +
Email: studium.gsw.sto(at)mh.tum.de
M.A. Gabi Fried
Website Responsibilities and information
E-Mail: international.sh.sto(at)mh.tum.de
Telefon: +49 (89) 289 - 24625