The aim of teaching evaluation is to increase the dialogue between teachers and students, to identify opportunities for improvement and thus to ensure the quality of teaching in the long term. Teaching evaluation is therefore a key instrument of the TUM's quality management system.
As part of the TUM evaluation system, the TUM School of Medicine and Health conducts course evaluations and, in cooperation with the TUM Center for Study and Teaching, surveys of students and graduates on their study programmes.
In addition to providing feedback to the lecturers, the aim of the course evaluation is also to discuss the results within the course with regard to possible improvements. Therefore, the course evaluation is usually carried out in the 10th-12th week of the semester. The evaluation results are discussed in the last or penultimate lesson of the course.
The lecturers whose courses are evaluated are selected as follows:
- Random sample of one third of all lecturers. Of the lecturers selected, as many as possible, but no more than 5 courses, are evaluated.
- Tenure-track professors: all courses
- Lecturers: all courses
- Negative evaluation in the previous semester: all courses taught by persons whose evaluation in the previous semester was negative.
- Voluntary participation in the course evaluation
If you would like to have a course evaluated voluntarily, please notify by the end of the second week of lectures at the latest.
Students are surveyed anonymously by means of a standardised online survey using the EvaSys evaluation tool. The questionnaires used are specific to the type of event and include the following question categories:
- Conception & structuring
- Communication of the content
- Use of media
- Lecturers & learning atmosphere
- Scope & level of difficulty
- Skills acquisition & work attitude
- Framework conditions
- Overall assessment
- General information
- Free text fields for comments and suggestions
As a rule, students are sent access to the online survey by e-mail. Participation in the survey takes 5-10 minutes. During the three-week survey period, 1-2 reminders to participate in the survey will be sent out.
For very small course sizes, a different procedure may be necessary in order to guarantee a meaningful evaluation of the feedback. In this case, it is possible to use questionnaires with open questions only and/or to carry out the evaluation during the course lesson (online in presence).
EvaSys generates a results report for each evaluated course, which includes the question-by-question statistical analysis of the answers, the averaged values per question category and the answers to the open questions. The results report is sent to the lecturers shortly after the end of the evaluation period. In order to make the impact of the evaluation visible and to keep the students' willingness to participate in future evaluations high, the evaluation results should always be discussed in the respective course. Please also refer to the relevant handouts from ProLehre.
Lecturers with particularly good evaluations are nominated for the school's internal teaching award. If the assessment is negative, the respective supervisors will be informed of the results and personal discussions will be organised. The relevant course will be evaluated again in the next semester.
Statistics on the courses evaluated in the current semester as well as the course-specific evaluation reports are made available to all members of TUM.
Personal evaluation results can be viewed by students on request by prior appointment. Please contact Ms Yuki Koschinsky (
M.A. Yuki Koschinsky
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 24733